Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I really need to update more!

I always have so much to post, but feel like their is not enough time to sit and give it due justice. Things are going great, my pregnancy is progressing rapidly. I thought I was just about to start my fifth month when I realized I was already seven months. Wow, how did that happen? I can't believe I am that far along! My Little women of the house has turned 5, she is turning into such a pretty little thing, I don't know what I am going to do with her. She already has many boys falling head over heals for her, yes at five years old, and I in for trouble or what? She is independent, outgoing, and ready for life; by this I mean kindergarten. she exclaimed in her Drama the other day "I never gets to do anything, all I gets to do is play, play, play! I want to go to school, I want homework!" Awe, what wonderful words, I will hold it over her head for the rest of her life! She is a joy, I love my little women.
Lincoln is 13 months now, he is 17 pounds, pretty good for him. he is crawling every where and loves to stand on his own. He thinks he is cool stuff! although he is not sure about the walking thing yet. his favorite past time is going up and down the stairs, he is getting really good at it. I have just decided he is ready for a big boy bed, since he is aware of edges now and can get down off of things himself. he did great last night, so we shall see; he is such a big boy! he is starting to tone out a bit, losing that flabby skin he aquired from months of immobility. I used to think he was quite goofy looking (I know bad for a mom to say, but he was so saggy) but he has really started growing into himself lately and becoming quite the little cutie pie. He has more facial expressions than I have ever seen, and has uh-oh, and no-no down quite well, pronounced with the roundest "O" mouth that you have ever seen. What a ham!