Thursday, September 20, 2007

Seven Year Itch!

Well I seem to have misplaced my camera cord to put new pics on; I have lots to post but no pics to go with it. So I thought I would write some thoughts I was having about the seventh year itch. I have a friend who was telling my about her first marriage, and how it ended in the seventh year, I will not put the details as it is not my story to tell, but needless to say she definitely believes in the seven year itch. Well Dustin and I had our seventh anniversary in April; so I asked myself, “am I itchy”? I can say with complete validation that I do not have a single itch on me. I Love Dustin way more today than I ever have!!! He was my best friend before I married him and he is even more than that now. And goodness how could I be itchy in this seventh year? The Lord made sure there was absolutely nothing boring or routine about this year. We found out our child was going to be born with only half a heart, decided to move across country from Georgia to Idaho, finding new doctors, insurance, job. Traveling to Oregon to have our baby, five surgeries and many months in the NICU and PICU without my babies, watch this new little stranger go through so much. Starting a new business, and moving into a new house in the process. Yes, nothing normal or routine about it! But I thank the Lord everyday for these rocky times when I feel his love so deeply, and have the opportunity to grow and become an even stronger family. So all and all no itch for me!!


Amber Horspool said...

Good for you! I agree with you 100%. We just celebrated our 8th and still going strong! Isn't being married to your favorite person the best?!

Kailey said...

Awesome! I knew that you and Dustin would have a wonderful marriage when you came home after he proposed! We're in our seventh year right now, and it's just getting better. It hasn't always been smooth sailing, but the love has always been there!

Train Gang said...

I'm with you seems that the harder the trial the greater opportunity there is to grow close to family, especially a spouse. isn't that amazing?