Friday, May 9, 2008

Eight Years!

So I feel like this year has flown by so fast. I can hardly believe I have been married for eight years!! It feels as though we are still two young collage kids having crazy fun at Ricks, with the added bonus of a life time of experience behind us. how did we come this far? We are about to have our fifth child, and this is my sixth pregnancy; really? how did that happened? There just wasn't enough time for that right? It's amazing the experiences, trials, joys, and accomplishments you can have in such a short time. Well, I do wish sometimes I could just slow things down, but since I can't I will have to savor and enjoy life in hyper drive. i just want to take time to say, I love my husband!! I can't imagine life without him, I can't wait to see him each day and would honestly love to have him every minute of every day. He is my everything and has become such a part of me, I would be lost without him. He is patient, humble, loving, and fun. He was my best friend long before I knew I loved him and he will be my best friend for Eternity. I love him!! Thanks Dustin for putting up with me all these years, for being so patient, loving, forgiving, and wonderful. I Love You!! We have been through a lot, our life together has not been without great trials and bumps, but we have grown so much together because of our trials. I would not choose an easier path with anyone else. I love the small reminders of how strong our love is, like when the Doctor caught us holding hands while in the hospital with Lincoln, her comment "I can't believe after all this time you are still holding hands" It amazes me how trials can tear couples apart but they only seem to make us stronger. Hey if you can love me with no hair, I know you can love me through anything, he he!! Thanks for loving me! I love you!


Jared and Katy said...

That is so sweet! You I love the holding hands!

Train Gang said...

If I can type after reading this I will try. You have done so much in 8 years!!!! whatever we accomplish here will only rise with us in the world to come, right? Addy, you are light years ahead of the pack! Special things must be in store for you.

Congratulations on 8 years.