Lincoln Had his card app. and all went great. His pulses are great and everything sounded good. Dr. Womack did talk to us about how soon, probably when Lincoln starts walking, we will notice that he tires out easily and needs to stop and take breaks. He said he will turn blue more often, although don't worry this is normal. We are used to the blue color a bit, he is blue every morning, lips arms and legs! But it will be new to see him turn blue do to activity. He said to not hold him back, let him exercise that heart. he will know his limitations. He warned us, that if he did not seem to turn blue, that is not a great thing for Lincoln and could mean that veins are growing from his heart to his lungs and this actually gives a false sense of health, they will hinder his heart function and will need to be dealt with. Seems funny that we have to make sure our son isn't too pink.
All in all Link, is doing great! He doesn't have to get anymore Synergist shots this summer, since RSV season is finally over! It will be nice to give him a break from getting shots every month! He is so terrified of laying down on a doctors table, because every time he does it means more needles going into his legs. He needs a good break! before it starts up again in October.
Oh, more fun news, he has started taking his first steps, and as the days go on he gets braver and braver. I can't wait till he is walking everywhere! I have been spoiled by the others walking early that it seems like he will never walk, but he has good excuse! I just hope he is walking fairly good before Skotlynd comes. If not I am sure we will make do just fine. Well three cheers for my tough little man, he's a trouper!!!
I remembering having this same conversation! So many things to think about. He looks wonderful!
what an amazing little guy! I added you to my sidebar too! It is fun to see your growing family!
I'm so glad you found me and you getting back into the blog world. I'll be looking forward to coming back to visit your blog! Your family is so cute!
I'm so proud of him!! This is so wonderful and amazing. We will be thinking 'blue' thoughts for you.
That is my favorite picture of Lincoln doing his "O" lips face. He really is a trooper, and I'm glad to see the good news! Give the kids hugs and kisses for us! We love you!
The previous comment was actually from me. I didn't mean to make it anonymous.
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